Friday, February 4, 2011

I Don't Have Patience for Patience

I made that colby with slightly lower temperatures, which means the curds had more moisture, which means they were bigger, which means they hardly fit in the cheese mold.  I careful scooped them in and pushed them down.

The round thing on top, the follower, also got a good pushing to get it into the cheese press.  In the end, the cheese came out larger than normal but looking pretty good.  I wonder if it will be better.  But I have to wait two months to find out!  This waiting months for feedback is tough.  I don't like waiting.

Speaking of little patience, the cows drink out of the hose when we fill their water.  They run up, wanting the freshest water and will stand there and drink out of the hose.  Here is beefy getting his drinks as the water came in.  Even when we were bringing buckets of water, Christina would get right in there and drink out of the bucket as we were trying to pour it. 

Now I know why we like these cows so much, they make sense to us!

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