Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pleasant Indoor Work

Our Arucaunas have started laying!  Their eggs are usually pale blue or green.  Yesterday, we got our first.  We thought maybe they had started but were pale pink, which isn't much different than our brown eggs.  When my daughter found it, she ran inside to show everybody.

This egg was one of 19 we yesterday.  It's been almost a month of getting 1-2 dozen eggs a day. You'd think we'd be overrun with eggs, but not so.  The kids are loving scrambled eggs every morning, hard boiled eggs for lunch, custard, pudding, and lots of baking.  Sooner or later we'll get tired of so many eggs, but it hasn't happened yet.

Pepper got some unscheduled time with his mama yesterday.  When we went out for evening milking, he was laying down in Christina's area.  We must have left the gate unlatched and he got it opened.  Our milk was almost a gallon less than normal so he had taken full advantage of the time together. 

Seed saving is new to me, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.  I started with the easy ones like lettuce and marigold and grain corn.  This year I added pumpkin to my repertoire.  We just scooped the seeds out and let them dry.  I had put these in the other room a month ago and now they are nice and dry. 

I don't know what it's called when you pop the kernals off corn cobs, but we're doing a lot of it.  We finished the Anastasi corn.  It looks so beautiful in this jar and tastes even better in corn bread. 

I sort of miss being outside, but I am enjoying all this inside work.  Sitting in a comfy chair with the fire blazing pulling corn kernals off dry cobs is pretty pleasant.

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