Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's Different

After the excitement and success of throwing the pulled grass and clover to the cows, it occurred to us that they'd be willing to do the work.  My husband walked Christina out of her pasture and over to the weeds.  She leaves the roots in, but we can take care of those later. This is heavy, healthy grass.  She worked it with gusto.

The outside chores seem to grow faster than we can keep up.  The garden needs weeded badly.  We need to bury an irrigation pipe and then move the manure pile over.  The lawn needs mowed.  The asparagus needs moved.  And then there's planting. I'm having a memory that last May was a pretty busy time too.

We are falling into a schedule of regular work outside, but there is so much to be done that it's hard to decide what to tackle first.  I remind myself that this is process.  We'll get to the immediate stuff and over time we'll see the long term stuff take shape.  But I'm impatient.  I want it all done now, sort of like the spiritual life.  I want to "be there" spiritually right now, but I know that the key to happiness is to enjoy the journey.

Now that we cook most everything from scratch we are learning new ways of taste.  Our food isn't manufactured to identical industrial standards and everything tastes a little different.  We make bread every other day and it's always a little bit different.  This one turned out especially good.

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