Friday, May 27, 2011

Coming to the End

The baby chicks seem to have quadrupled in size at two weeks old.  They are growing so fast.  We opened up the other end of the brooder to give them more space.  We may be pushing it to go four weeks before moving them to shed outside.  They are easier to take care of in the garage than outside so we'll wait as long as we can, but they get more flighty when they are packed too tightly and these cardboard boxes can't grow any bigger to give them more space.

Yesterday I made cheese #58, a colby.  The process is smooth in my head, I remember all the steps without looking, but I still messed it up by heating the curds too quickly.  Dang.  Hopefully it will still turn out good.

Our cheeses have flavor comparable to the expensive "specialty" cheese at the store, even the mild ones.  The flavor isn't strong, but it's well developed.  My husband has been making toast with melted cheese for years, which I never much enjoyed, until we did it with these homemade cheeses.  Wow, it's good!

Fast food in our lives means food that we've cooked another day.  Today we're making a big pot of stew for the freezer.  When the day has been busy with weeding or cheesemaking or canning, it's nice to pull something out of the freezer and dinner is ready in 15 minutes.

Our children follow a year-round schedule for schooling.  Most of the time they are enjoying being off while their friends are in school, but next week is the last week of school around here and my daughters have five more weeks to go.  I'm anticipating a little bit of a hardship with that.  Even though we only take a two week break in between "years," there is something about getting to the end of the year that even wears me out.  I find myself trying to condense stuff to finish a little early.

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