Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Preping for Extra Food

We're supposed to be tilling the garden today but it's still raining.  This is the last time before our trip when we could till, so now it has to wait until we get home.  Catching a decent day to till and plant is always a struggle, but this year seems more difficult than most.  Being gone for six days right in the middle isn't making it easier.  I'm praying for several good days as soon as we get home.

With half the family gone, the rest are going to have trouble keeping up with the milk and eggs coming in the house — about four-and-a-half-gallons of milk a day and about five dozen eggs a week.  Today I taught one of the twins how to make pudding.  She thinks that is a preferred way of using milk and eggs.  After about sixty seconds stirring, she asked how long it would be until it boils, but she made it all the way until it was done.

My husband is getting trained up on making cheese.  We are still making two or three cheeses a week to keep up with the milk.  We're both getting tuckered out from so much cheese-making.  As I've talked with people who had cows when they were young, not a single one has said their parents made cheese.  Instead, they had a hog who ate up the extra milk.  My husband's resolve against building a pig pen is waning.

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