Monday, April 11, 2011

Helping Healing

Well Dang.  We finally tested Christina after doing the antibiotics, expecting everything to be clear, and it was in three quarters, but one quarter is worse.  Since we already treated with antibiotic, any further antibiotic treatment will be more complicated, so we started with the old fashioned method — lots and lots of milking.  Beginning yesterday, we are milking that quarter every 2-3 hours during the day.  It's a pretty quick milking but it's beginning to wear us out.  Christina loves it — extra candy (the molasses-cover grain she gets when we milk), but it's hard on us.  We tested again this morning and we're seeing improvement, but this could be a while.  In the meantime, we'll take a sample of the milk to the lab.  Since we don't have a sterile tube, we sterilized a canning jar to collect the milk.

Those seeds we planted a week have not turned into beautiful little green dots.  The garden still looks like an expanse of brown dirt interupted by the little seedings we planted.  I figured maybe they're not getting enough water, so we put a sprinkler out.  After all that waiting for it to stop raining, now I'm ready for it to start!

It's really past time to be starting warm weather seedlings like tomatoes and peppers, but better late than never.  We have four different types of tomatoes, two sweet peppers and three hot peppers, and a bunch of herbs and flowers, along with another flat of onions.  The celery was ready for repotting but now it takes up more space.  My little growing area is too full, but I was able to mash it all in there.

Last night as I went to sleep, I asked for God's healing power on Christina's udder...

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