Saturday, September 3, 2011

Uh oh, I Have To Go

A friend of mine asked about my blog yesterday.  I admitted that I'm not doing much.  With the harvest coming on, I get photos taken, the post half written, and then get pulled away and never get back to it.

This week it's peaches!  Our peach tree is still young and only produced a few fruits.  We picked up seven boxes of peaches from the local fruit stand.

...uh oh, I have to go milk...

Milking is a two person affair in our house.  My husband does one side and I do the other in the morning.  In the evening, he does one side and one of our teenagers does the other. 

Speaking of milking, Christina is officially drying off.  After switching her to grass hay, which is lower quality so she produces less milk, yesterday we switched to one milking a day.  Christina gets these last two months of pregnancy to herself and we have plenty of milk in the freezer, but it's a little strange to watch the milk go down and down.  After nine months of 4.5 gallons a day, yesterday she gave 2.4 gallons and today 2.1 gallons.  She's going down, just like she should.

But back to peaches!  For three days I cut up peaches in the morning and put them in the freezer on big sheets.  The next day they got broken up and put into gallon freezer bags.  These will be for fruit smoothies and pies.

Last night a got a batch going in the dehydrator.

Today we are canning.  Canned peaches are my daughters' favorite.  Canning fruit is so easy that we'll probably be able to get four boxes of fruit done by lunch time.

The chickens have gotten pretty comfortable out on the pasture.  The first day beefy chased them back but now the cows seem comfortable too.  My husband was working out in the pasture and got this shot of nap time in the shed.

...uh oh, I have to go pick green beans...

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