Friday, December 10, 2010

Cutie Calf

Jerky has grown so much!  Here is a picture of him the morning he was born.  He was so little.  It was easy to pick him up and he was still getting his legs under him.  Notice the level of his back compared to the board along the wall.
Here's a picture of him this morning in the same spot, on the right.  Look at how much he's grown in only three weeks.  His back is almost up to that board on the wall. 

We are not dog people, but it seems to me that jerky acts like a dog.  He's energetic, easily distracted, and very affectionate, rubbing on me to get hugs.

Beefy, our six-month old steer, wanted in the picture too. They are buddies together over on the side of the shed away from Christina.  Several times a day they go out on the pasture together and run around.  Beefy has completely changed since Christina was so sick.  He used to stay far back, but now he comes up for hugs and rubs on us.  I'm surprised how comfortable I am hugging on the cows.  I never expected that, but are pretty endearing creatures.

Our attempts to keep Christina from peeing and pooping while milking have had moderate success.  My husband cleans the shed out before milking instead of after so that she'll get up and do her business.  He even takes her for a little walk in the pasture to get all systems up and running.  It's funny as he walks her out, she looks at him like, um, the candy's over that way. But she goes along anyway.  She is goofy for that molasses covered grain that we give her at milking time.

The cream cheese we made the other day has been assigned to cheesecake.  So far, it looks pretty promising.  If it's anything like the other stuff we make from Christina milk, it will blow our socks off.

1 comment:

  1. What good times! Your baby looks great!!! I am impressed at the cheeses etc you make. I would like to try but haven't found the gumption or time yet. I forgot to mention if Christina's udder is real hairy you can clip the hair with electric clippers. This will make easier, cleaner milking for you and less pain for her.
