Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter Storm Prep

While out gathering the eggs today, my daughters found a giant one.  Look at the size of that thing!  Frankly I'm surprised they didn't find a chicken dead in the coop.  Whoever laid that one must have had a bad day. 

My twins are so excited to  cook this one up for breakfast.  Often the big eggs turn out to have two yolks.  They call them twinnie eggs.  They speculate that this one has three.  We'll find out in the morning.

Today we had a load of sand delivered.  We want to build up that area in front of the feeder to keep Christina's feet clean.  Buying it by the truck load is way cheaper than by the bag.

Last Friday we took sample of Christina's milk into the lab.  One quarter is showing some reaction with the CMT test, then it clears up, then it comes back.  We finally decided to take it in and find out.  The lab said it was negative for bacterial infection.  I guess we'll keep watching it and see if it clears up.  I sure am glad it's negative.

A big winter storm is predicted to hit tomorrow, bringing 6-10" of snow.  Today we got ready.  We moved wood closer to the house and we filled some jars with water.  Otherwise, we should be able to survive a power outage.  The solar panels will keep the freezers running.  We'll use the cellar for refrigeration.  We'll use the BBQ and trailer for cooking.  And the wood stove will keep us warm.  We will have to go without computer, movies, laundry, and showers, but I think I can do it!  But without power our water pump won't run, so we need water.  Ooo, and the dishwasher won't run.  Ack!  There could be some suffering.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in how your still getting eggs? My chickens haven't laid since August (we think, had a couple rogue hens that got exterminated for egg eating). They had a heavy molt this fall, but no one has returned to egg laying. I know that they don't lay much in the winter because of the shorter days. So how do you do it:)?
