Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Maybe 4th Time's A Charm

Christina spent the day bellowing.  She and Sunflower did lots of jumping on each other, but Christina never stood for it.  This morning all was calm, so we figured Christina had gone into standing heat in the night.

The AI guy came over this morning to breed her.  As soon as he was finished, Christina jumped around and the AI guy cocked his head. 

"This may be a false heat," he said.  He's done this enough to know when things feel different, and they did.  He said they sometimes do that on the 2nd cycle from conceiving, which this would be. 

We had a farm visit scheduled with the Vet for next week, which we were going to cancel, but now I think we'll keep it.  The Vet can do a preg check and maybe he'll find a little baby calf!  Or, maybe he can figure out what's going on with Christina.

I'm struck by the AI guy's attentiveness with Christina.  So much of good farming boils down to listening well.  Of course, there is the application of talents and knowledge, but if you don't pay close attention to the animals, the crops, and the land, much will be missed. 

That is the spiritual discipline of growing food.  It demands that you pay attention and listen well.  I think it is a discipline that God is going to have to spend a good many years teaching me.

1 comment:

  1. Who is your AI guy? I lost the name and number of the man we have used several times and we are in need soon.
    I sure hope Christina took!
