Thursday, November 18, 2010


Christina got up and seemed to be doing well and then she laid back down.  She just sat there, not eating, just looking around.  Uh oh.  But her ears felt okay, and she has gotten a lot of calcium, so we decided to give her a while and then go out at milking time.  We set some hay and water where she could reach it, then we went inside and stressed.

At 8pm we went out.  She was still in the same place, just looking around.  I was dreading more problems.  Her ears were nice and warm (cold ears are a sign of milk fever), not even a little cool.  I headed for her back-end to take her temperature. I figured that would get her to her feet, but she didn't even resist when I put the thermometer in.  It was 101.5, exactly normal.  While we were there, she leaned over and grabbed a few bites of hay, but she didn't budge.  I took a pail of her grain over and she took a bite, but wouldn't get up to come to the stanchion.  I called the lady at the dairy and her assessment was that Christina just didn't want to get up.  "She's had a rough few days."  Boy isn't that the truth!  She said it was okay to skip this milking and just leave her alone.  We can do that!  I think Christina is thinking, I've had it.  I know exactly how she feels.

Jerky is on the bottle.  We still had some colostrum left over from this morning so he got it all in the bottle.  He's figured out the bottle now, which is nice.  It goes pretty fast.

Tonight we go to bed with some hope that tomorrow will be a good day.  Any day without poking a cow with a needle sounds pretty good to us.

1 comment:

  1. You might be a dairy farmer if you are happy about cow poop! :)
