Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Slow Pepperoni

After three days curing in the frig, we dried the pepperoni.  We rolled the meat into two-inch diameter logs and put them on roasting pans.  Using wax paper makes it easier to get them shaped.  The first time we tried, it really was a big mess.  After all the meat was rolled, we put them a "warm" oven (170F) for seven hours.  The kids commented several times during the day that they craved pizza.  Tomorrow we'll run them through the slicer and freeze most.  From the six pounds of hamburger we started with, we'll probably have about four pounds of finished pepperoni.  New pepperoni with homemade Christina mozzarella on whole wheat crust... I'm beginning to crave pizza too.

Things are still slow moving at our house.  The stomach flu has subsided, but energy is low.  Homeschooling for the younger ones today was only the things that we could read outloud to them.  One of the benefits of homeschooling is that things don't have to stop when you're sick, like missing school, they just slow down. 

Another benefit of homeschooling is freedom of movement.  My 15-year-old often moves outside to study when the weather permits.  The gentle sounds of outdoors, the light breeze, and the cool feel of grass energize her and make her feel whole.  I am reminded of the days sitting in classrooms when I was young, longing to be outside.  My longing wasn't to get away from the learning, but just to get outside.  I am so grateful that she is able to satiate that feeling.

We made spaghetti for dinner.  I made pasta for the first time less than a year ago and now I always make it.  It takes about thirty minutes to make a batch for dinner and it tastes so good.  After mixing 2-3/4 cups flour, 3 eggs, and enough water to bring it up to 3/4 cup, the fun begins.  I have the extrusion attachment for my KitchenAid, but I prefer this hand-crank pasta maker.  First you roll the balls out flat and even in a wide setting, then roll them through a fine settling.  Lastly, crank them through the spaghetti cutter.  I just dump them on a towel while I get it all done.  After throwing them into boiling water, they are done in three minutes.  We dined on spaghetti with homemade Christina ricotta and cottage cheese.

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